ATF Agent Burk Lawsuit Outcome 2022: A Closer Look at the Legal Battle


ATF Agent Burk Lawsuit Outcome 2022

In November 2022, the city of Columbus, Ohio, agreed to pay $440,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by ATF Agent James Burk, who alleged that he was subjected to excessive force by Columbus police officers during a 2018 arrest.

The lawsuit stemmed from an incident in which Burk was pulled over for a traffic stop. The officers who pulled him over were unaware that he was a federal agent, and they became agitated when he refused to provide his identification. Burk claims that the officers used excessive force to subdue him, including punching him in the face and head, and kicking him in the legs and ribs.

Burk filed a lawsuit against the city and the officers involved in the incident, alleging that they violated his civil rights. The lawsuit went to trial in November 2022, but the city and Burk’s attorneys reached a settlement agreement before the jury could reach a verdict.

The settlement agreement provides Burk with $440,000 in compensation for his injuries and emotional distress. It also requires the city to provide training to its police officers on the use of force and on the rights of federal agents.

The outcome of Burk’s lawsuit is a significant victory for those who have been victims of police brutality. It shows that even law enforcement officers are not immune from accountability when they violate the rights of others.


The settlement of Burk’s lawsuit is a positive step towards ensuring that police officers are held accountable for their actions. It is also a reminder that all citizens, regardless of their profession, have the right to be free from police brutality.


Q: What is excessive force?

A: Excessive force is the use of more force than is reasonably necessary to apprehend or control a suspect. It can include the use of physical violence, such as punching, kicking, or tasing, as well as the use of weapons, such as guns or batons.

Q: Why is it important to hold police officers accountable for excessive force?

A: It is important to hold police officers accountable for excessive force because it violates the civil rights of victims and undermines public trust in the police. Excessive force can also lead to serious injuries or death.

Q: What are some ways to hold police officers accountable for excessive force?

A: There are a number of ways to hold police officers accountable for excessive force, including:

  • Filing a civil lawsuit against the officer and the police department
  • Filing a complaint with the police department’s internal affairs unit
  • Reporting the incident to a civilian oversight board
  • Contacting the officer’s supervisor or the police chief
  • Contacting your elected officials

Q: What can I do to prevent excessive force?

A: There are a number of things you can do to prevent excessive force, including:

  • Be respectful and cooperative when interacting with the police
  • Know your rights and do not be afraid to assert them
  • If you believe you are being subjected to excessive force, try to de-escalate the situation and call for help
  • If you are injured as a result of excessive force, seek medical attention immediately and file a complaint

Q: What are some resources for victims of police brutality?

A: There are a number of resources available to victims of police brutality, including:

  • The National Police Accountability Project
  • The American Civil Liberties Union
  • The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  • The National Latino Law Enforcement Officers Association
  • The National Asian Pacific American Law Students Association

If you have been a victim of police brutality, please know that you are not alone. There are people who can help you.


  • Columbus to pay $440,000 settlement over officer’s 2018 use of force:
  • ATF agent accuses Columbus police officers of excessive force:

1 thought on “ATF Agent Burk Lawsuit Outcome 2022: A Closer Look at the Legal Battle

  1. The incident started at a residence where the ATF agent (burke) went to remove a shotgun from a house of a person who was not supposed to have a firearm, not at a traffic stop. The body camera starts with Agent Burke in a residential area on a walkway, not in a car. You should correct this article as the facts are not correct.

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